Searching for the right eyes to come alive.
To look at me enamored.
To look at me whole.
To look at me with Truth
To allow me to lie here naked
And to take off my disguise.
I want those eyes to undress me.
To stand beside me.
To adore me.
And allow me to be brave and bold.
I want those eyes to be a reflection.
Reflect to me all the love that I am
And all the love that
I always do intend to hold.
I want those eyes
To allow me to get angry,
To feel amiss
Or to even let out a big scream and cry.
I want them to be honest with me.
And me honest with them,
As I look deep into their depths,
Those eyes, in fact, can not lie.
I want those eyes to remind me of
The bright, little, beautiful girl
I always was
And that I still am.
I want those eyes to
Remind me of a place inside.
A place inside of me
That I can come home to
And return to again and again.
I want those eyes to sing with me.
To dance with me.
To remain still and
Let me into their Soul.
I want those eyes to remember me.
To not forget me.
To not forget the way I morphed into
A beautiful Woman.
A Priestess,
That rose above and
That now stands so tall.
I want those eyes to cherish me.
To adore me.
To lay beside me and
Stare at me all throughout the day.
I want those eyes to remain with me.
To never leave me.
To carry me forward into everything I do
And to always,
Evermore, promise to stay.
I want those eyes to see me.
To embrace me.
Even when the world
Has turned so very cold.
I want those eyes to unleash me.
To untangle me.
Untangle me from the lies
That I was always told.
Of the world being a harsh one.
A temporal one.
A world that is for sure
Burning to the ground.
I want those eyes to lift me up.
To take my hand.
To twirl me,
Twist me.
Swirl me up so high,
As I spin ever so freely
Around and around.
I want those eyes to be a reflection
Of the beauty that always has
And still does reside within,
Just like a gentle, free flowing sea.
I turned around and looked into the mirror,
As I was stunned to discover…
Those eyes I have been longing for.
Those eyes I have been searching for.
Those eyes I have been yearning for.
In fact, they belonged to me.